Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mommies Don't Get Naps...

The last few days Sawyer has not been feeling too well. He woke about every two hours last night and was extremely irritable all day yesterday. Top that off with the fact that Ryder took a late nap yesterday and was ready to go until at least 11:30 last night. He kept popping up in my room and climbing in my bed. I kept having to get up to remove him. By the time I went to bed, I was tired--getting up with Sawyer did not help. So this morning I would have loved to have slept in. Didn't happen. But what did happen was that my mom came over at about 12 and sweetly offered for me to go take a long nap. I haven't taken a daytime nap in who remembers when! Naps--I remember naps--The thought sounded wonderful.

One of my friends at school and I joke about our naps (her real ones and my fantasized ones) with a funny name she came up with. Let's say she is planning on an afternoon nap on a Friday; that is a FAN. If it is Thursday, it is the TAN (get it). So today I was going to take a SAN.

Oh, but remember, the title of this is blog: Mommies Don't Get Naps.

So I hurried and cleaned the kitchen up (I am totally OCD and cannot sleep knowing crumbs are in the floor) and planned to head to my room. Then, Sawyer stunk up the room. I literally thought our toilet had flooded. SO, off I went to change him! Once I struggled to hold him down and diaper him, I handed him off to mom to rock. In the mean time, Ryder came into the room to tell me how clean he was. "Okay?" I said. (This never means anything good). He then had me follow him to his room to show me the spilled Yoohoo, which he had covered up with his rug. He also saw a smushed Oreo and yelled "EWE...DOO DOO!") I cleaned this mess up and situated Ryder in the den to watch Caillou. At that point, I decided to put Sawyer's ear drops in while he was asleep. This woke him up slightly, and I waited for him to settle so I could transfer him to the crib for mom. Then mother went to the den with Ryder. I made sure they were okay, then climbed into my bed! "How awesome," I thought. It took about 5 seconds after I closed my eyes for mom to yell "Are you in bed?" "Yes," I said flatly. I knew where this was going. "Ryder messed up the TV." So I climbed out of bed, headed into the den and fixed the TV. At this point, Ryder figured out I was doing something without him. He followed me to my room and said he would take a nap with me. Sure. Okay.

We snuggled in the bed and got comfortable. That lasted about .4 seconds. He then spotted my computer and wanted to play a game. "No!" I told him. He does not like being told no. He argued and whined and I finally told him bluntly that he did not always get everything he wanted. At this he huffed and crossed his arms and proclaimed "You are mean mommy. You are not my Frand!" I said "Fine--get out of my bed." This made him cry. The nap was not going well.

I eventually compromised and sent him into the den with my iPad to watch whatever it was he wanted to watch and off he ran. I settled down, got in that place where you are almost asleep but still kind of awake, and then realized I hadn't heard mom say anything to Ryder when I sent him to the den. I listened and heard nothing. I pictured Ry wandering around outside close to the road. I couldn't sleep until I checked on them. I drug myself out of bed and walked to the den. Mom was asleep on the couch and Ry was quietly beside her (she was dozing, not sound asleep). "Good!" I thought. But then Ry saw me. He followed me back to bed, and we started all over again. I tried to simply ignore him. He poked my head, pulled my hair, raised my eyelids. At one point, he twisted my head towards him, and I thought was going to kiss me. Instead he licked me all down my face...I could have done without that. Mom was trying to get him to come back to the den or to go in his room to take a nap. Not a chance. Again, he tired of messing with me and left. "Finally!" I thought. It was at about this precise moment that Sawyer cried out in the monitor. I sat up as Ryder ran down the hall trailing my mom to check on him. He caught me looking and popped his head back into my room.

"Mommy? You waking up from you nap to play with me?" "Yep," I replied. "My nap is over." After all, mommies don't get naps.

(It should be noted that at this point, Shaun graciously took Ry outside to play so I could have a minute. But by this time, I was no longer sleepy)

So, do you get to take naps?

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